Asylum Song
Asylum Song, a new play at Here in New York City.
Asylum Song
Designing a poster for a new play is a challenging but exciting process. For me, the challenge of a project like this is understanding the intended tone of the piece and being able to envision the dramatic concept that will ultimately be applied to the text. This understanding comes from script, of course, but more importantly from conversations with the creative team.
Asylum Song, on first reading, is about a woman sifting through documents from the institution in which her grandmother was held against her will in the early 1900s. But the deeper meaning of this piece—which these designs aim to introduce to our audience—is the search for answers to an age-old, shameful misunderstanding in one’s family, the discovery of a horrific event in history, and the cathartic release of finding resolution in one’s own history.
Adjusted Realists premiered Asylum Song at HERE in June, 2019. Great thanks to Adjusted Realists and my good friend Matt Mastromatteo.
My Asylum Song poster at HERE, and a reflection of me photographing it like a dork.
Asylum Song promotional cards.
Asylum Song graphics, as they appear on the HERE website.